itm8 annual Cybersecurity report 2023/2024 

In this year’s edition of the Cybersecurity report, we have looked at what has transpired during the year, including political events, significant breaches, and stories from the battlefield in the incident response field. In addition, focus has been placed on three topics that we believe to be of interest in the year to come, which are laws and regulations, cloud security and artificial intelligence. As usual, we try to avoid technical lingo and make the content as enjoyable and informative as possible.


Hvorfor bruge tid på guiden?

Hjælpemiddel eller løbsk regning?

Public cloud kræver styring, hvis ikke regningen skal stikke af. Få styr på strategien og få en IT-infrastruktur, der arbejder for din forretningen. 

Én platform til det hele! 

Dells integrerede system til Microsoft Azure Stack HCI indeholder fire grundkomponenter og tager sig både af server- og storage-opgaven. Sikkerheden er naturligvis helt i top. 

Økonomi, overblik og sikkerhed 

Microsoft Azure Stack HCI giver dig økonomisk overblik og fleksibilitet, optimering og management samt compliance og sikkerhed.
Alt sammen i ét samlet system – udviklet af nogle af branchens mest toneangivende spillere. 


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