Incident Response: Respond efficiently to a cyber attack
It's about reacting quickly and correctly if your company is hit by a hacker attack. The longer malicious hackers have access to your systems, the greater the consequences can be for your company.
With help from our team, you will receive professional assistance to restore your company back to normal.
What is Incident Response?
When it comes to cyber security, preparation is the alpha and omega that will determine the extent of the consequences for your business. If you react incorrectly, too slow (or not at all), the consequences can be very costly – and in worst case devastating for your company.
Incident Response takes a structured and effective approach towards a security compromise, by launching the instant you suspect your company is under attack. From the moment the threat is identified, until it is contained and eliminated, our Incident Response team is on-call 24/7 to secure your business data and continuity.
Are you under attack?
Every second counts.
Keep your hands off the keyboard and contact our Incident Response Team on +45 91959595
If you expect issues with our primary number, call our secondary number on +45 53550003
5 advantages of Incident Response
There are several good reasons to join forces with a professional Incident Response Team. Here are five of them:
#1 Fast response time
The faster you react to an intrusion, the less you lose. With Incident Response, you know how to react, which can save precious time during a cyber attack.
#2 Remove doubt
You can always call to get an assessment or security advice from one of our experts if you are in doubt as to whether your business is under attack.
#3 Know your team – as they know you
By hiring our Incident Response team, you get access to a group of trained experts who have worked with nothing but major cyber incidents and understand your situation and business. This collective knowledge and skill allows the incident response team to react immediately and effectively in your defence.
#4 Learn more about security
With a signed premium Incident Response retainer agreement, you will receive a custom onboarding followed by quarterly threat briefings that define the current threat landscape. These briefings are also designed to help strengthen your security posture while preparing your organization for a future security incident.
#5 24/7 emergency response
There is no such thing as 8-16 incident response when it comes to cyber intrusions. With a signed retainer agreement, you can activate your incident response team around the clock (365 days a year) when your business comes under attack.
Why choose the Incident Response team from itm8?
Itm8 has more than 100 security specialists trained to handle cyber attacks and secure data, all while closing the gaps needed to regain full control over networks.
With itm8 at your side, you get a dedicated team of experienced incident responders who are accredited with Trusted Introducer and FIRST.
Hacker Defense: Are you prepared to withstand a cyber attack?
Have a plan to defend yourself. For a small monthly fee, you get access to our dedicated team of experts who have specialized knowledge and in-depth experience with cyber attacks.

Bliv klogere på cybersikkerhed
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Giv hackerne dårlige arbejdsbetingelser
Den rigtige overvågning af jeres systemer giver jer mulighed for at reagere hurtigere på trusler. Og hurtigere respons er lig med dårligere betingelser for de IT-kriminelle at arbejde under.