
Do you have outdated but critical applications that are not up to date? Or do you need to develop a completely new value-adding application? With the Open Source tool, FutureForms, you can easily and quickly develop even advanced business applications. 

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FutureForms is the future

Times are changing. Businesses are changing. And maybe your applications are becoming obsolete?

For most, the way forward is to find a standardized system. But there will always be something that the standard does not cover. Perhaps this is even what makes your business unique?

With FutureForms, you can overcome these challenges while ensuring your organisation is up-to-date and remains unique.


Benefits of FutureForms

Latest technology

Built on the latest technology used by many developers on a daily basis

Open Source

Open Source makes it cheap and you avoid being tied to one supplier

Component library

Freely combine your own components with components from our extensive component library.


Easy to use, easy to reuse and easy to build on

Utilise any data source

Combine data from any source, whether it's a file, a service or a database table

Data-driven all the way

Let data - not code - drive the look and functionality of your application

Here you go - FutureForms is Open Source


At itm8, we have developed FutureForms and made it Open Source. With FutureForms, you can rapidly develop and modernise critical applications.

You get the high functionality of traditional 4th generation tools, but everything is Open Source. Development tasks that used to take ages to create for your browser can now be developed exceptionally fast.

Specifically, FutureForms consists of a large Javascript library that makes it easy to develop advanced business applications in modern developers' favourite tools.



Do you have applications developed in old technologies?


If you have critical applications developed in legacy technologies, such as Oracle Forms, it's probably time to switch to modern technologies. Because we can see that our customers have problems with outdated applications, for example:

  • The applications have an old-fashioned look and feel
  • The applications are often inflexible
  • Finding employees who know the technologies is difficult and expensive
  • You can't switch databases as your applications tie you to a specific provider
itm8 would love to help you find a solution that starts or continues your journey towards Open Source. 




Why switch to FutureForms?

Several trends are currently pointing away from Legacy Systems and towards Open Source:

Latest technology Open Source strategy

The desire to move towards Open Source
(e.g. PostgreSQL)

Licence costs

Customers want simple licence models and reduce costs of these


The possibility to develop business applications in modern frameworks


Use the systems that best fit your organisation's strategy instead of the ones your supplier provides

IT should not be a limitation to innovation


Your business is evolving and your applications need to keep up. FutureForms fills the gaps left by standard systems and they help differentiate you from the competition. 

You may have outdated systems that can no longer keep up with your organisation's development, and you may struggle to find employees who can further develop the systems. FutureForms can help you here too, as the solutions are based on well-known and modern technologies.

FutureForms can help you solve some business-critical issues which was not possible before. The solutions can pull data from databases, services and even flat files.




Open Source sets you free


FutureForms is Open Source, so you are not tied to a specific supplier. itm8 is happy to help you get started with FutureForms, but you are completely independent of us.

You have the freedom to build unique and value-adding applications, add new functionality and benefit from other users' further development. But if you need help, we're ready for you. Our dedicated supporters and skilled consultants have strong competences in FutureForms, of course.

We're here when you need us

Should you need to turn some challenges around or perhaps have access to a lifeline, help is at hand. With a fixed service and support agreement, you get access to some of Denmark's most skilled developers. Our experienced FutureForms developers are ready to maintain and support your applications, so you and your team can focus on optimising the application and creating business value.



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Contact us to hear more about the benefits of FutureForms

We can help you get started with FutureForms, so your critical or outdated systems, can get a new life and keep up with your company's growth and development. Contact us, and we can talk about your options and the benefits you cat get with FutureForms