Cyber & Geopolitical Risk Report
Get the latest cyber and geopolitical trends to help your organisation navigate a highly complex threat landscape.

Why is this important?
Over the past year, geopolitical risks have surged, disrupting supply chains and impacting industries. The rapid evolution of IT technology introduces new vulnerabilities exploited by attackers with geopolitical motives. In this uncertain environment, businesses must fortify their cyber security measures and actively manage geopolitical risks. Investing in cyber and geopolitical resilience is a proactive strategy that helps organizations protect their assets, maintain operational continuity, comply with regulations, and adapt to the ever-changing global landscape, ultimately contributing to long-term sustainability and success. The Cyber and Geopolitical Risk Report service from itm8 is a subscription to quarterly reporting customized to the countries or regions relevant to your organization. With valuable insights at hand you can help your organisation navigate a highly complex threat landscape, by providing valuable strategic oversight in a risk/cost-based, non-technical language that facilitates efficient communication between the board and C-level executives.
Why subscribe to Cyber & Geopolitical reporting?
The ultimate goal of the Cyber & Geopolitical Risk Report is to create corporate geopolitical risk knowledge, and link geopolitical and cyber risks with a strategic vision, in order to feed the decision-making process and enhance geopolitical and cyber resilience, so your organization can navigate through turbulent times and sustain growth with a competitive edge. The Cyber & Geopolitical Risk Report can delivery valuable insights such as:
Identifying unfolding geopolitical risks and opportunities to business operations that can support an informed investment, expansion, acquisition, and partnership decisions.
Ensuring synergy between strategy, risk management, and operations in building geopolitical resilience and crisis preparedness, and developing a cross-department geostrategic expertise.
Raising geopolitical thinking, awareness, and expertise across the board and C-level executives.
Incorporating geopolitical risk analysis into organisation's portfolio management process, and strategic planning.

“93% of cyber leaders and 86% of business leaders believe global geopolitcal instability is moderately or very likely to lead to a catastrophic cyber event in the next two years.”
— World Economic Forum, Global Cybersecurity Outlook 2023
A Strategic Return on Investment
Our report increases cyber & geopolitical trend awareness which offers your organisation in-depth knowledge, which is crucial for the decision-making processes considering the volatility of modern geopolitical risks and their spill-over effect onto the cyber domain.
Improsec’s Cyber & Geopolitical Risk Report translates complex issues into simple terms, while highlighting potential strategic risks, that can bridge the gap between CISO/CIO and Senior Management in communicating risk, this can facilitate mutual cooperation towards creating better cyber posture.
For European organsations, the Cyber & Geopolitical Risk report could be an important addition in becoming NIS2/DORA compliant, the report is helpful especially for the Board & Senior Management to demonstrate basic cyber hygiene as stated in the directive.